Tell Congress to vote for full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

Our public lands are our culture. They are sacred. 

Our rivers, mountains, forests and parks are what we can leave behind for future generations.

Tell Congress to protect our future by fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

LWCF is a bipartisan program that has invested more than $235 Million in Arizona communities over the last 50 years. LWCF has provided funding for state and local parks, protected public lands, and enhanced access to outdoor recreation. These lands are vital to our health and well-being, and are vital to Arizona’s economic recovery

Call Congress and tell them to vote to fully fund LWCF: (202) 224-3121

Help Chispa Arizona create a bright tomorrow in Arizona and take action.

Senator Martha McSally, (202) 224-2235

Senator Kyrsten Sinema, (202) 224-4521

Representative Tom O’Halleran, AZ-1, (202) 225-3361

Representative Ann Kirkpatrick, AZ-2, (202) 225-2542

Representative Raúl M. Grijalva, AZ-3, (202) 225-2435

Representative Paul Gosar, AZ-4, (202) 225-2315

Representative Andy Biggs, AZ-5, (202) 225-2635

Representative David Schweikert, AZ-6, (202) 225-2190

Representative Ruben Gallego, AZ-7, (202) 225-4065

Representative Debbie Lesko, AZ-8 (202) 225-4576

Representative Greg Stanton, AZ-9, (202) 225-9888

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