Our communities deserve clean air!

Latinx and other communities of color are more likely to be exposed to harmful pollution. We have an inherent and inalienable right to clean air.


Arizona is at the frontlines of the climate crisis, and Phoenix is the 8th most polluted city in the country according to the American Lung Association’s 2023 State of the Air Report.

Because of years of environmental racism, communities of color are more likely to live close to highways and bear the greatest burden from air pollution, resulting in increased rates of asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

In addition, large utility companies pollute our air by keeping dirty, outdated coal-fired power plants in operation, even though they are more costly than clean energy alternatives.   


We call for utility accountability and transparency at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). The ACC is the regulatory body with the greatest impact on Arizona’s transition to clean energy. They must pursue aggressive renewable and clean energy requirements for large utility companies like APS, SRP and TEP.

We call for investments in free and electric public transportation. By investing in free and electric public transit and infrastructure, we can improve our air quality by having less vehicle emissions on our roads. 

We call for significant and just clean energy investments in our communities. The Affordable Clean Energy Plan must prioritize lower carbon pollution, savings on energy bills, quality jobs and environmental justice for the communities most impacted by the climate crisis. We must ensure that our transition to clean renewable energy does not happen at the expense of our public lands and indigenous communities.