We campaign to help our communities thrive!

Our campaigns bring people together to influence policymakers and pressure polluters to protect communities’ rights to clean air and water, healthy neighborhoods, and a safe climate for generations to come. 


The C&G Campaign is a long-term initiative through which we work with regional leaders, community based organizations, and local residents to prioritize investments in free and electric public transit and infrastructure, urban green spaces, and complete streets. 

By investing in free and electric public transit and infrastructure, we can improve our air quality by having less vehicle emissions. By investing in urban green spaces, cool corridors, and complete streets, we will mitigate the urban heat island effect, and provide more transit equity and options for our most impacted communities.


Through our Votando y Plantando Campaign, we register voters who are historically underrepresented in the political process, paving the way for a broader electorate that better reflects our values and our communities. 

We also plant seeds for our future through our Plantando Semillas summer youth program, which empowers, mentors and provides civic engagement opportunities to help young people become climate leaders and advocates for the change they want to see in their planet.

Holding Arizona Corporation Commision Accountable

The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is the entity in charge of regulating utility companies such as APS, SRP, TEP, and Southwest Gas. The ACC has the power to keep electricity costs low and require utilities to transition to renewable clean energy. 

Yet, despite Arizona being at the frontlines of the climate crisis, facing record-breaking extreme heat every summer, in January 2022, the ACC voted down the 100% clean energy rules – effectively stalling Arizona’s path towards a clean air and clean energy future.